Those of us who remember the 3D craze of the early 2010s remember how you couldn’t go anywhere without seeing 3D advertised in theaters. Three out of four Oscar winners for four years were in 3D.” He added: “So, you’ve got three out of four years where digital cinematography was embraced by the Academy. hen two out of the three subsequent years, the same cameras were used by the cinematographers that won the Oscars.” No digital camera had ever won the best cinematography Oscar before. “Avatar won best cinematography with a 3D digital camera. He did share, however, that its achievements created a gateway for the embrace of digital technologies. James Cameron doesn’t take complete credit for the 3D explosion that happened the couple years after Avatar‘s release. It would also come to influence cinematographers and filmmakers years after release.

It is through the film’s exploration of Pandora that the visuals shine, and where Cameron’s implementation and execution of the 3D technologies at the time immersed audiences in a way that we never had experienced before. The human minds must link to these Avatars to make their way through Pandora.

The only way for humans to access the world of Pandora is through human/Na’vi hybrids called Avatars. Humans cannot, however, as Pandora’s environment is poisonous to them. Living on the planet are the Na’vi, highly-evolved beings that can survive in the hostile environment.

Set in 2154, Avatar transports us to the lush alien world of Pandora. Vital Thrills got to learn more about what audiences should expect to see in the newly-updated Avatar with producer, writer, and director James Cameron and the core cast of the film: Sam Worthington, Zoe Saldana, Sigourney Weaver, Michelle Rodriguez, and Stephen Lang. And, in the case of the re-release of Avatar, it was essential for the director to make sure the film looked better than ever on the big screen. Knowing James Cameron, he never skimps on the technology or the visuals audiences will get to experience in theaters. The timing is fitting with the rapidly-approaching release of the long-awaited sequel, Avatar: The Way of Water. Do you feel old yet? Now, the Na’vi are rising once more to be introduced to a new generation of viewers in a newly remastered 4K re-release of Avatar in theaters on September 23, 2022, for a limited time. Thirteen years have passed since James Cameron’s groundbreaking visual masterpiece, Avatar, flew into theaters.